typepki-asn1parse - v0.7.2

typepki-asn1parse: ASN.1 parser utility for TypePKI library

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The 'TypePKI' library is an opensource free TypeScript PKI library which is the successor of the long lived jsrsasign library.

The 'typepki-asn1parse' is a ASN.1 parser utility for TypePKI library.


  • ASN.1 DER parser for ASN.1 hexadecimal string (BER will also be in the future.)
  • Dual CommonJS/ES module package supporting CommonJS(CJS) and ES modules


import { asn1parse } from "typepki-asn1parse";

This shows

"t": "seq",
"v": [
{ "t": "int", "v": "0a" },
{ "t": "int", "v": "0b" },

Parser output

Result will be a Record object which has following members:

  • t - short ASN.1 tag name
  • v - ASN.1 value

short ASN.1 tag name

short name ASN.1 name code value value sample
bool INTEGER 01
int INTEGER 02
bitstr BitString 03
octstr OctetString 04
null NULL 05
oid ObjectIdentifier 06 {oid: ""}
enum Enumerated 0a
utf8str UTF8String 0c {str: "りんご3"}
prnstr PrintableString 13 {str: "test12"}
ia5str IA5String 16 {str: "u1@example.com"}
utctime UTCTime 17 131231235959Z
gentime GeneralizedTime 18 20131231235959Z
seq SEQUENCE 30 array of Record [{t:"int",v:"0123"}]
set SET 31 array of Record [{t:"int",v:"0123"}]


When the ASN.1 value is a ASN.1 TLV or a sequence of ASN.1 TLV, the V will also be parsed.

This will be applied to ASN.1 application tag TLV such as "[0]" or "[1]".