integer value of ASN.1 BitString
hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit
This function converts from an integer value to
hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value
with unused bit.
When "n" is not non-negative number, this returns null
// 25 -> 11001b -> 11001000b unusedbit=03 -> 0xc8 unusedbit=03 -> "03c8"
inttobitstr(25) -> "03c8"
inttobitstr(-3) -> null
inttobitstr("abc") -> null
inttobitstr(parseInt("11001", 2)) -> "03c8"
inttobitstr(parseInt("101", 2)) -> "05a0"
inttobitstr(parseInt("101000001", 2)) -> "07a080"
convert from integer value to hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit